Final build before submission.

It's finally ready to submit.

It's pong but made to be sort of similar to the way that Tetris was presented in Tetris Effect.

I'm not totally happy with some of the smaller systems, but I'm content enough to submit this for class.

The implemented features are as follows:

  • A title screen
  • 2 human players OR 1 human vs AI
  • Neat soundtrack (obviously not made by me)
  • Rudimentary AI designed to be good enough for short rallies
  • Scene transitions
  • Sound effects
  • Way too much post-processing
  • Seriously I think all of my synchronisation issues are because of the visual effects
  • Or maybe the fact I'm referencing objects in the scene like a caveman :P


Pong Effect Play in browser
Jul 27, 2022

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